"Nowdays Depression, anxiety / social anxiety, stress, insomnia, unknown fear is getting common due to lots of load in professional and personal life. People are living with high expectations and with high ego due to which uneasiness in their life stays.

They move in life with their chord connected to past or future due to which they can't stay in present ( now ) this effect their professional as well as personal life What people do is they contact psychiatrist and psychiatrist prescribe them some medicines which they take for years which is never ending road for all this. Some take clinical psychologist sessions which effects few people but in most cases it dose not give them relief.

When people give good advice or suggestions to depressed person these "golden words bounce back "means it is not absorbed by depressed person mind because due to depression a wall is automatically constructed in their mind and if person is giving advice or suggestions it gets bounced back ( like when we throw ball on wall it comes back to us similarly when advice or suggestions in form of golden words are given by another person it is bounced back like ball).

When this wall is opened or removed then only person starts to understand things or his mind starts to get absorb those golden words in form of advice or another person.

Stay Happy , Healthy & Fit

Pratap ( Abhijeet )
( Cosmic Healer )

" INTENTION " plays very crucial role in our life. When it comes to healing intention on both side is very important first from healer side intention to give healing matters lot and second from patient side intention to get heal is also very important. There should not be any doubt from healer and patient side. When true intention is there then actual process starts means transformation process starts. Well I say that positive intention should be part of our life if we want to change our life.

Thoughts are Powerful energy if thoughts are positive then it's positive energy and if it's negative one then it's negative energy. That's why be aware of types of thoughts which comes in our concious mind if it stays for some time it will push into subconscious and then it is converted into belief.

Pratap ( Abhijeet )
( Cosmic Healer )